serious and
organised crime
What We Do
Funding for delivery of Liberate Green ended in 2017 having reached over 4000 children, young people and adults in schools, Pupil Referral Units and Probation Approved Premises. We can still deliver this project to interested organisations, please contact us for information
Liberate - green
For: young people and families not in employment, education or training, in schools, communities and criminal justice system - group work
The project:
- Worked closely with young people and families to give them opportunities to make informed choices and identify positive and meaningful alternatives to serious and organised crime and routes of support. -- Support young people targeted as being on the cusp of criminality and at risk of being manipulated or used by organised criminal gangs or pursuing, the path towards serious and organised crime.
We will deliver the programme in Schools, Communities, Youth Offending Teams and anywhere else the need is identified across the localities. Delivery is workshop based using Restorative Approaches, to groups using case studies through multi-media to illustrate the true costs to individuals, families and communities that a life of crime entails.
Programme leads: Jane Wignall and Andy Winters
Contact: Jane Wignall:
Liberate - pink
For: women and girls
Under Liberate, Lancashire Women’s Centre offered a gender specific response, working with women and girls only, to reduce the threat of organised crime, and reduce the vulnerability of perpetrators and victims. Their offer has been designed to respond to the needs of women who are vulnerable or at risk of engagement in organised crime and exploitative activity, and which is built upon recognition that the engagement risk factors are experienced by, and impact upon, women in a different way to men.
Liberate - blue
For: young people and families 1:1 and small groups
Through our family support and one to one work with young people we can build a positive relationship with them and assist them to re-engage with education, disengage with gangs, provide understanding and solutions to issues to reduce their vulnerability to becoming involved organised crime and create resilience and an alternative and positive future. We will build a young person’s resilience through education and understanding within our group work programme Challenging me, dissecting the underpinning risk factors and educating young people in order to give them the ability to make informed decisions. We will assist families to keep young people safe and mediate between broken families creating strength and protection.
National Strategic Assessment of Serious and Organised Crime 2016
National Crime Agency sLiberate Film
If you would like a copy of the Liberate film, please contact us for details
Title Text
A sentence or two describing this item.
Family Information
Information for parents on Liberate Green serious and organised crime workshops
Liberate Green for Primary Schools
For years 5 & 6
Primary school children have taken part in workshops that highlight the importance of positive decision making. The purpose of these workshops is to support children in transition to high schools and making positive friendship groups.
- We have discussed the dangers of negative associations leading to becoming involved in gangs.
- Given an understanding of how children can be groomed by gangs to carry out illegal activities.
- Understanding what is meant by serious and organised crime.
- Discussed the longer term implications on their future lives and careers.
- Talked about the ripple effect of who is affected within families and the wider community by negative actions.
- How to get help if you are in a gang or want to leave a gang.
- Highlighted the positive impact of making good decisions and everyone can have a positive impact within their families and communities.
Liberate Green for High Schools, YOT's, PRU's, Attendance Centres & Youth Groups
For years 9, 10 and 11
Young people in High Schools have taken part in workshops addressing the dangers of becoming involved in serious and organised crime. Workshops have been delivered in groups, classes, assemblies or as whole day carousels. The workshops are based around the film opposite, anonymised case studies and examples from the groups. Content included:
- What is a gang?
- What is Serious and organised crime
- How young people are recruited into gangs
- How to leave a gang
- Positive decision making
- Positive and negative ripple effect of own actions on self, family, schools and communities
Liberate Green for Approved Premises
For adults 18+
The purpose of the workshops is to support participants within the criminal justice system to deter their wider families and children from entering a life of crime. Workshops are based around the film opposite and copies of the film are given to participants. Emphasis is on positive decision making, accountability and understanding of how serious and organised crime gangs recruit young people from an early age.
Poster - Resources
- Liberate Green Resource
Material for delivering Liberate in primary and high schools
Some primary feedback
Fulwood and Cadley Primary School
Liberate Green - Preston
The workshop, is wholly worthwhile as it contains key messages that the children need to hear before starting their secondary education. Thank you for delivering again.
St Antony's RC Primary School
Liberate Green - Blackburn
Feedback from children:
Children spoke very highly of the workshop, the delivery was excellent and the pitch was well planned.
Fishwick Primary School
Liberate Green - Preston
Feedback from Teachers:
Great delivery - very good
St Antony's Catholic Primary School
Liberate Green - Preston
Feedback from Teachers:
The children were fully engaged with the workshop because the information and pace was well-matched to the children’s age.
The presenters were very knowledgeable and kept the children’s interest all through the session.
Brunshaw Primary School
Liberate Green - Burnley
Feedback from Head teacher:
All the staff and children were very enthused by the workshop and they went out of their way to tell me about it.
We would be really keen to do more work with yourselves in the future and particularly with the 2 presenters that came to our school. They were very friendly and excellent with the children.
Thank you.
Kennington Primary School
Liberate Green - Burnley
Feedback from Head teacher:
Children already talking about making the right decisions the day after the session.
Children were actively engaged throughout the session and encouraged to participate by the presenters.
Thank you for two great sessions and hopefully we will see you again next year.
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© 2016